Donnerstag, 26. August 2010

It drew the disapproving attitude of the people

It drew the disapproving attitude of the people, arguments, there is anger. but she still wears it, then she discovered that red shoes do not come down, and red shoes began to dance, she became a natural dancer, in the ballroom dancing, dancing in the streets, dancing in the brilliant sun, dancing in the loneliness of the night, until she jumped into the bush thorns black and blue, she could not stop. Finally a carpenter cut off her feet. From then on her day and night prayer, and finally, in a night of prayer, angels, and said to her: God has forgiven your sins, she flew to heaven and became an angel. finished up this fairy tale, believe cc certainly do not know. did not want her to know. fairy tales, why is so cruel. In fact, think about a lot of fairy tales is a tragedy such as the last time to cc to buy the 'mermaid'. To love and to suffer every step of the foot pain, mermaid tip, eventually paid with his life. prince of nothing. and the perfect match of the princess a happy combination , the daughter of the sea that day into a sea of foam. what education their children: in order to sacrifice your love life, irrespective of whether he loves you. God I do not want this education to my cc. I want children to believe in the good love It can give you happiness. This is the fairy tale, of course, the reality: Do not people who do not love you unnecessary expense, to control their own destiny. with his daughter, will write a different fairy tale .

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