Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010

God knows what after that it will invent profit model to which field infiltration.

God knows what after that it will invent profit model to which field infiltration. .Apple iTune network platform allows users to download songs only just and one night catching on worldwide release subvert Music mode. Again Tencent, access to a large user base, simply to participate in the field, it can be successful in getting into the act. .These are Internet platform enterprise. they are constantly creating new business models, subvert the existing mature business model, and the bit rate and the Herve Leger way to rapid expansion and change.
for oriented, industry trends and the ; speaking, strategic alliances, capacity expansion, or integration, reverse strategies may respond to good strokes (see below Enterprise enormous energy come from? Despite the different platforms have different characteristics, but they still have some common cost structure, subversion of the commodity economy, the core elements of the times, Partners of the most important weapon. .ultimate network effects .the existence of network effects as early as the birth of the Internet. telephone, fax, network effects exist such products, to meet the level of demand was closely related to the size of the network .

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