Freitag, 15. Oktober 2010

Were eliminated because of closure of a classic example is the so-called insists on its own standard music format ATRAC3.

Were eliminated because of closure of a classic example is the so-called insists on its own standard music format ATRAC3. This file format is neither system can be applied to other than Sony brand of music player, the Sony player does not support the Department of MP3. If you have a loyal user of Sony Voice Recorder Now may also consider giving up, because the voice recorder with a Sony need to install the software to support their format, not plug and play. .on the network platform, the opening is bigger and the need to choose, even maverick strong, such as apples, are also opening up the external pressure and tide power, there is restraint, gradually moving towards an open, iTunes Herve Leger music platform in this relatively closed to allow music producer has started production in the above content. .super cost advantages: sprawl and the more economical .If the size of the business, scope, technical innovation and advanced management can bring cost benefits to the industrial enterprises, that of information technology particularly the Internet, compared with those platforms enterprises unprecedented super costs advantage. Internet researcher Hu Yong believes that information products and services have a very special cost structure mm high fixed costs and low marginal costs.

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