Samstag, 18. September 2010

from the first time

from the first time I saw my sister comb the hair to the present ah finally realized before the age of my dream, and two days are the hair Haha, I was blessed the Pathwalker Xiaomi joked to her today, I shot some of the hot photos of large children fact hardly any children stars can be so large good-looking, I naturally also easy to shoot slightly I like Xiaomi your sweet smile br Xiaomi working with her Old Jiang called, that gentle voice, I am herve leger jealous of friends activities straight after the end of Wolia here into two people completely forget the way to when , all thought this is the export frantically filmed a lot of photos only to find it was a feed store on hh THANKS Xiao Mi, my shot's so beautiful today's event to herve leger dress send a small gift a lot of small for gestational age, there is a genuine installation of sunscreen Haha, make my heavy make-up sets and then some of the crowded bar !
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. potatoes, roast beef: As the potatoes and beef are digested in the acid concentration required for different, it is bound to extend the residence time of food in the stomach, over time, will inevitably lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction.

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