Freitag, 10. September 2010

my first horse I do not know the magical effect of the fish

my first horse I do not know the magical effect of the fish. look at the beach and uncle rocks between the anxious look, I do not understand, ah, just want to laugh. uncle thrown fifty or sixty fish, finally caught a bed of roses, fresh minnows, throwing a fishing rod, the fish in his arms, with joy dancing, like the African indigenous: , said: , and silly. soon as he suddenly shouts and stunned and slid off the cliff on the eagle nest years, P90X hovering in the air. Finally, he lay on the beach, looked like one dead comfortable. on the way home, his uncle said: horse mouth fish, grow to a half kilogram, is my wife. eat his wife? I lay in bed, drowsily, to hear the rainy season along the south to the far ridge. rain Raining Cats and under, looked around only the sound of water, only water and the sound of my p90x workout dream.
rain what is the 2 more than 10 days. Hongshuitaotian, and tens of miles are within the roar of the river. That year flood is more violent than in previous years, people looked at the upstream drift to the cattle, sheep, pigs and many wild trees, or even semi-Block wooden all dares Qulao floating money.
rain'm small enough to not wear hats, and Wu restricted the oxygen down from the county organization oath-taking rally, p90x dvd set the crowd in front of him stood a dark mass. He just had to speak, the crowd broke back soon as clap of thunder: 2 grind bowl-like fist, walked past, he continued to condemn the Road: wrong, how do I explain to my brother Oh, son? labeled as clay, bone labeled Slag.

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